Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You know you're healthy when .....

- You start thinking about water in terms of ounces rather than glasses.
- You start thinking about shorter ways to get to the gym rather than thinking about ways to get around it.
- You are excited when the doctor FINALLY gives you a green light to exercise rather than dreading he might tell you to get off your butt to exercise.
- You think twice about eating out rather than eating out twice.
- Grocery shopping actually takes a lot to time because you do a double take on every ingredient label rather than scarcely glancing at anything beyond the price.
- You eye the couch as the most convenient place to store your weights rather than the most convenient place to store the weight of your rear.
- You curse at the architects of parking places that seem way too close to the front door of the supermarket rather than obnoxiously far away from the closest entrance.
- You realize there are not enough health magazines at the store rather than thinking that the manager is wasting good book space for magazines only elite athletes will purchase.
- You take pictures of Starbucks advertising because it just shocks you for its clever, blatant and manipulative fattening of America. (sorry Starbuck's fans...) rather than getting reeled in.
- You find yourself salivating over different kinds of running shoes rather than looking for the cheapest tennies after the ones you own get holes in both soles.
- You relish in the burn of a good workout rather than stop as soon as anything tingles at the slightest!

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